Monday, April 25, 2011

Potty Training Update

Markus is a genius. On his first day potty training he ran to the potty all by himself and went poop in the potty all by himself!!! Did I mention he did it ALL BY HIMSELF!!?!?!? I was in the kitchen cutting up chicken and he ran in naked telling me he pooped in the potty. I went to the bathroom and saw the poop in the potty and then called Alex over to check it out. At the time that did not seem weird but maybe I will refrain from showing off Markus' poops.
By the way, to my big whopping 5 followers, this might not be my last post of the day. We are home sick today and I am feeling awful. There is nothing like the internet to burn up time.

1 comment:

Traci Brown said...

Yay for Markus! Tell him auntie Traci is proud of what a big boy he is! Yay for mommy to get rid of the diapers! So happy for all of you!!!