Monday, April 25, 2011

Hoooray Potty Training!

Last night after bath time, Markus was running around the house naked. He comes running into the bathroom in a panic screaming, "I have to go potty! I have to go potty!" So, the little red kiddie potty that has been sitting in my way too small bathroom for the last 6 months going unused and driving my poor husband crazy, finally gets put to use. He went pee pee in the potty and I started jumping and screaming and telling him what a big boy he is. Alex joined in the fun and started saying, "You are a big boy like me now, brother!" Then Markus folds his arms on his chest and says, "We are two big boy brothers now." We got all of his big boy underwear out and he was so thrilled to be just like his big brother. When it was time for bed, Markus went crazy when I tried to put a diaper on him and I tried to explain that when big boys learn how to go pee pee in the potty, they still have to wear diapers to bed. Alex, who has been standing by in support of little brother all night says, "Aw, mom! I don't want to wear diapers to bed!" So, I think the hardest part about potty training the second child is trying to explain to the first child that none of what is going on applies to him. Alex was even trying to poop this morning so he could have a jelly bean.
This morning we have gone through 3 pairs of underwear so far, but Markus has actually been going in the potty most of the time. Both of the boys have been wearing only underwear all day. Alex kept begging me to make them twins so I said, "Sure, we can pretend that you guys are twins." He gets really upset and says, "Mom, I don't want to pretend to be twins, I really want to be twins!" I wish I could dictate all of our conversations onto here but since we talk all day long every day about every possible thing, I think the internet would run out of space.
The second hardest thing about potty training are the every five minute false alarms. I have been running into the bathroom all day at five minute intervals and (**poop joke alert**) since I am gluten free now, not one time has been to go potty myself. Only three people I know would laugh at that but I think it's funny.
Anyhoooo, my little baby is growing up and I am so excited to be diaper free for the first time in over 4 years! Markus is standing next to me screaming that he has to go potty might be a long day.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Too funny Mary! Glad I found your blog. I love to follow my friends blogs.

I have one too if you want to check it out.

Yay Markus!!! Hope you feel better Mary!