Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back Again

Well, we've had another baby...okay, like a year ago. I guess I took a really, really long break from my crazy mommy mary blog but I am back! I have a feeling things will get a bit more interesting now that Alex can talk and now that his imagination is running wild. I have a few funny sayings from Alex from the last few months:
-He runs in with a nut, like a nut and bolt nut, and screams, "Mama, Ales found a Hexagon!"
-I rubbed some cream on his rash from the grass and he starts laughing and saying, "Mama, that's the right cream for the job!"
-"Gank You."
-The kids were both strapped in to their car seats and as I jumed into my seat Alex screamed, "Okay team! We are ready to go! We are a team!"
-Alex runs into our living room and says, "Wow! What a big room. It's palatial!"

Markus is just starting to talk. When Phil walks in the room he screams, "Hi Dada!" It's a little garbled but he says it the same way every time. He is almost ready to walk and I can't wait. Alex is getting excited for that day too.

1 comment:

Shan.E. said...

I am very happy you're back, and think you should add Uncle Obama to the list, because I still laugh, even when I just think about it.